Martinelli Luce
Italian luminaire design
Martinelli Luce is an Italian lighting manufacturer from Lucca and official partner of TAGWERC. The TAGWERC Design STORE carries selected lights from the Martinelli Luce collection. All other lights from Martinelli Luce and spare parts are of course also available from TAGWERC.
Company founder Elio Martinelli
In 1950, Elio Martinelli founded the manufactory named after him in his home town, the picturesque capital of the province of Lucca in the Serchio river valley not far from Pisa, in the fertile hills of Tuscany. Elio Martinelli, who actually trained as a set designer, is fascinated by the effect of light and incorporated it into his set designs during his training at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence. This and his father's family background ultimately led Elio Martinelli to devote himself entirely to the development of lights and found Martinen Luce.
Innovation and experimentation
From the very beginning, Elio Martinelli has incorporated innovation and a love of experimentation into his lighting designs. Martinelli is fascinated by the design diversity of nature, with flowing, rounded shapes, but also by the sometimes angular silhouettes of geometry. PipistrelloCobra, Ruspa or Serpente are classic luminaires from the Martinelli Luce manufactory. Martinelli Luce is not only dedicated to producing its own lighting designs, but also produces lights in collaboration with other designers.
Connections to the USA
Martinelli Luce also has a strong connection to the USA, as the company produces two lights by architect Richard Neutra: Marx (1928) and V.D.L. (1931). Richard Neutra (1892-1970), who was actually born in Austria, is regarded in the USA as one of the most important representatives of 'classical modernism' in the field of architecture. After working in New York and Chicago, Neutra moved to Southern California.
Family business in its third generation
Martinelli Luce, on the other hand, has remained loyal to the Lucca site to this day and is now run as a family business by the third generation. The values and maxims of the company founder have remained and have been adapted to new materials and technologies. Martinelli Luce is represented at TAGWERC Design STORE with a selection of classic luminaires from yesterday and tomorrow. As an official distribution partner of Martinelli Luce, TAGWERC provides you with all original designs as well as original spare parts for lights from the Martinelli Luce collection.